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Abby-8999 was last seen online on BongaCams on 22-12-2024 and is now offline.
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Turn-ons: I am attracted to people who treat me with a subtle sensuality who respect me and are dedicated to enjoying the small details of life This sensual connection and care for the most intimate details make my relationships even more passionate and meaningful to me

Turn-offs: I m not attracted to people who are rude disrespectful or overlook small details in interactions Unkindness lack of respect and neglect of details are aspects that I dislike in interpersonal relationships and that I prefer to avoid

Age: 46

Gender: Female

Hair Color: Brunette

Eye Color: Brown

Weight: -

Location: -

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Abby-8999 is a BongaCams Cam Model registered on CamWox Aggregator at 18-11-2024

Abby-8999 spent a total of 95 hour(s) streaming in public, group, member or private chat on BongaCams in Dec 2024.
The graphic above shows status distribution of model online time.

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