BongaCams Tattooed Girls Gone Wild

dawa-angels was last seen online on BongaCams on 22-12-2024 and is now offline.
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Turn-ons: Que sean claros y caballerosos que me sepan tratar bien y hablkar de la mejor forma That they are clear and gentlemanly that they know how to treat me well and speak in the best way

Turn-offs: Que sean groseros que no sepnas aclarar lo que quieren que sean unicos conmigo Let them be rude let them not know how to clarify what they want let them be unique with me

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Hair Color: Redhead

Eye Color: Brown

Weight: -

Location: -

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dawa-angels is a BongaCams Cam Model registered on CamWox Aggregator at 07-07-2024

dawa-angels spent a total of 76 hour(s) streaming in public, group, member or private chat on BongaCams in Dec 2024.
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