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pink2019 was last seen online on BongaCams on 05-01-2025 and is now offline.
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Turn-ons: Confidence A confident and confident attitude can be very charming Sense of humor The ability to make someone laugh and share moments of fun and joy Attention and care Show genuine interest listen and care about well-being Passion Having passion for what you do and for life in general is very exciting Intelligence A sharp and insightful mind can be very seductive and stimulating Sensitivity Showing sensitivity and empathy towards the person s feelings and needs is very attractive and stimulating ROSA

Turn-offs: Lack of respect Lack of respect for women whether in the form of derogatory comments disrespectful behavior or lack of consideration for their feelings can be very turning off Selfishness Focusing solely on yourself and showing no interest in the woman s needs or desires can be discouraging Lack of sincerity Lack of honesty and authenticity can breed distrust and make a woman feel disconnected Lack of personal hygiene Lack of personal care such as bad breath strong body odor or lack of cleanliness can be a turn-off for many women Possessive or controlling attitudes Trying to control or dominate a woman or showing excessive jealousy can be very discouraging and create a feeling of discomfort Constant Negativity Being constantly negative or pessimistic can be discouraging and make a woman feel emotionally drained ROSA

Age: 37

Gender: Female

Hair Color: Brunette

Eye Color: Brown

Weight: -

Location: -

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pink2019 is a BongaCams Cam Model registered on CamWox Aggregator at 06-07-2024

pink2019 spent a total of 10 hour(s) streaming in public, group, member or private chat on BongaCams in Jan 2025.
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